I find that my personal goals and ideas about business operations mesh perfectly with this company ' s goals and mission statement 我觉得我的个人发展目标和商业理念和公司的目标完全吻合。
Actually , chengdu fairly chain store co . , ltd . had bankrupted duo to its misconducts when this essay completed . the failure of this company is caused by far from any accidental causes , but the failure of strategy and backward ideas about business operation , the basic reason , this fact is just the best evidence toward the standpoint of this essay 需要说明的是,在本案例完稿时,芳邻百货超市有限责任公司由于经营不善已经彻底倒闭,虽然本文研究的企业在经营上的失败看似偶然,其实最归根结底的原因是战略的失败和经营观念的落后造成的,而这正好验证了本文所要论述的观点。